Egerton University has embarked on a mission of implementing the ISO 9001: 2015 standards

National Quality Institute NQI – Kenya Bureau of Standard (KEBS) facilitator Mr Charles Maru facilitator making a presentationon on ISO 9001: 2015 to the top management at Utafiti Centre , Egerton University on May 16, 2024. (Photo: Kurian Musa/ Egerton University)

Egerton University has embarked on a mission of implementing the ISO standards after a hiatus that saw service delivery deteriorate in key directorates and departments in the University. Top management members of the university were taken through a briefing session for the ISO 9001: 2015, to ensure its smooth implementation.

Led by National Quality Institute NQI – Kenya Bureau of Standard (KEBS) facilitator Mr Charles Maru; Prof Paul Makenzi, Coordinated ISO Secretariat of Egerton University towards the ISO 9001 QMS Top Management briefing which went on smoothly. The Training focused on reviewing past successes achieved through the implementation of ISO standards and charting a course for future improvements. Read more...